package source
- Alphabetic
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Type Members
KafkaAvroSourceFactory[K, V] extends SourceFactory with KafkaUniversalComponentTransformer[Source]
Base implementation of KafkaSource factory with Avro schema support.
Base implementation of KafkaSource factory with Avro schema support. It is based on GenericNodeTransformation to - allow key and value type identification based on Schema Registry and - allow Context initialization with event's value, key and metadata You can provide schemas for both key and value. When useStringForKey = true (see KafkaConfig) the contents of event's key are treated as String (this is default scenario). Reader schema used in runtime is determined by topic and version. Reader schema can be different than schema used by writer (e.g. when writer produces event with new schema), in that case "schema evolution" may be required. For SpecificRecord use SpecificRecordKafkaAvroSourceFactory. Assumptions: 1. Every event that comes in has its key and value schemas registered in Schema Registry. 2. Avro payload must include schema id for both Generic and Specific records (to provide "schema evolution" we need to know the exact writers schema).
- K
- type of event's key, used to determine if key object is Specific or Generic (for GenericRecords use Any)
- V
- type of event's value, used to determine if value object is Specific or Generic (for GenericRecords use Any)
SpecificRecordKafkaAvroSourceFactory[V <: SpecificRecord] extends KafkaAvroSourceFactory[Any, V]
Source factory for specific records - mainly generated from schema.
UniversalKafkaSourceFactory[K, V] extends SourceFactory with KafkaUniversalComponentTransformer[Source]
This is universal kafka source - it will handle both avro and json TODO: Move it to some other module when json schema handling will be available
Value Members
- object KafkaAvroSourceFactory extends Serializable
- object UniversalKafkaSourceFactory extends Serializable