
package formatter

Type Members

  1. case class AvroSerializableConsumerRecord[K, V](keySchemaId: Option[Int], valueSchemaId: Int, consumerRecord: SerializableConsumerRecord[K, V]) extends Product with Serializable
  2. class ConfluentAvroToJsonFormatter[K, V] extends RecordFormatter

    Formatter uses writer schema ids to assure test data represent raw events data, without schema evolution (which adjusts data to reader schema).

    Formatter uses writer schema ids to assure test data represent raw events data, without schema evolution (which adjusts data to reader schema). Test data record contains data of ConsumerRecord and contains key and value schema ids (see [AvroSerializableConsumerRecord]).


    - key type passed from KafkaAvroSourceFactory, used to determine which datumReaderWriter use (e.g. specific or generic)


    - value type passed from KafkaAvroSourceFactory, used to determine which datumReaderWriter use (e.g. specific or generic)

  3. class ConfluentAvroToJsonFormatterFactory extends RecordFormatterFactory

    RecordFormatter factory for kafka avro sources with avro payload.

  4. class JsonPayloadToJsonFormatterFactory extends RecordFormatterFactory

    RecordFormatter factory for kafka avro sources with json payload.

    RecordFormatter factory for kafka avro sources with json payload.

    Test data record is a simple record representing data of ConsumerRecord. It does not contain schema ids. Creates instance of ConsumerRecordToJsonFormatter with fixed key-value types (key and value are always deserialized to Json).

  5. class KafkaJsonKeyValueDeserializationSchemaFactory extends KafkaSchemaBasedKeyValueDeserializationSchemaFactory
  6. case class UniversalSerializableConsumerRecord[K, V](keySchemaId: Option[Int], valueSchemaId: Option[Int], consumerRecord: SerializableConsumerRecord[K, V]) extends Product with Serializable
  7. class UniversalToJsonFormatter[K, V] extends RecordFormatter with UniversalSchemaIdFromMessageExtractor

    Formatter uses writer schema ids to assure test data represent raw events data, without schema evolution (which adjusts data to reader schema).

    Formatter uses writer schema ids to assure test data represent raw events data, without schema evolution (which adjusts data to reader schema). Test data record contains data of ConsumerRecord and contains key and value schema ids (see [AvroSerializableConsumerRecord]).


    - key type passed from KafkaAvroSourceFactory, used to determine which datumReaderWriter use (e.g. specific or generic)


    - value type passed from KafkaAvroSourceFactory, used to determine which datumReaderWriter use (e.g. specific or generic)

  8. class UniversalToJsonFormatterFactory extends RecordFormatterFactory

    RecordFormatter factory for kafka avro sources with avro payload.
