
package spel

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class OmitAnnotationsMethodExecutor extends ReflectiveMethodExecutor
  2. final case class ParsedSpelExpression(original: String, parser: () ⇒ ValidatedNel[ExpressionParseError, Expression], initial: Expression) extends LazyLogging with Product with Serializable

    Workaround for Spel compilation problem when expression's underlying class changes.

    Workaround for Spel compilation problem when expression's underlying class changes. Spel tries to explicitly cast result of compiled expression to a class that has been cached during the compilation.

    Problematic scenario: In case compilation occurs with type ArrayList and during evaluation a List is provided ClassCastException is thrown. Workaround: In such case we try to parse and compile expression again.

    Possible problems: - unless Expression is marked @volatile multiple threads might parse it on their own, - performance problem might occur if the ClassCastException is thrown often (e. g. for consecutive calls to getValue)

  3. class SpelExpression extends Expression with LazyLogging
  4. class SpelExpressionEvaluationException extends NonTransientException
  5. case class SpelExpressionParseErrorConverter(methodInfo: MethodInfo, invocationArguments: List[TypingResult]) extends Product with Serializable
  6. class SpelExpressionParser extends ExpressionParser
  7. case class SpelExpressionRepr(parsed: Expression, context: Context, globals: Map[String, Any], original: String) extends Product with Serializable
  8. case class SpelExpressionTypingInfo(intermediateResults: Map[SpelNodeId, TypingResult], typingResult: TypingResult) extends ExpressionTypingInfo with Product with Serializable
  9. class SpelExpressionValidator extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object SpelConfig
  2. object SpelExpressionParseError
  3. object SpelExpressionParser extends LazyLogging
  4. object Typer
