package management

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
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Type Members

  1. case class FlinkConfig(restUrl: String, queryableStateProxyUrl: Option[String], jobManagerTimeout: FiniteDuration = 1 minute, shouldVerifyBeforeDeploy: Boolean = true, shouldCheckAvailableSlots: Boolean = true) extends Product with Serializable

    FlinkConfig deployment configuration.

    FlinkConfig deployment configuration.


    REST API endpoint of the Flink cluster.


    Some Nussknacker extensions require access to Flink queryable state. This should be comma separated list of host:port addresses of queryable state proxies of all Taskmanagers in the cluster.


    Timeout for communication with FLink cluster. Consider extending if e.g. you have long savepoint times etc.


    By default, before redeployment of scenario with state from savepoint, verification of savepoint compatibility is performed. There are some cases when it can be too time consuming or not possible. Use this flag to disable it.


    When true FlinkDeploymentManager checks if there are free slots to run new job. This check should be disabled on Flink Kubernetes Native deployments, where Taskmanager is started on demand.

  2. abstract class FlinkDeploymentManager extends DeploymentManager with LazyLogging
  3. class FlinkModelJar extends LazyLogging
  4. class FlinkProcessTestRunner extends StaticMethodRunner
  5. class FlinkProcessVerifier extends StaticMethodRunner with LazyLogging
  6. class FlinkQueryableClient extends QueryableClient with LazyLogging
  7. class FlinkRestManager extends FlinkDeploymentManager with LazyLogging
  8. class FlinkSlotsChecker extends LazyLogging
  9. class FlinkStreamingDeploymentManagerProvider extends DeploymentManagerProvider
  10. class FlinkStreamingRestManager extends FlinkRestManager
