
package generic

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class DelayedFlinkKafkaConsumer[T] extends FlinkKafkaConsumerHandlingExceptions[T]
  2. class DelayedKafkaFetcher[T] extends KafkaFetcher[T] with LazyLogging
  3. class FlinkKafkaDelayedSourceImplFactory[K, V] extends FlinkKafkaSourceImplFactory[K, V]

    createDelayedKafkaSourceWithFixedDelay is used to create KafkaSource with specified fixed delay (eg 2 hours).

    createDelayedKafkaSourceWithFixedDelay is used to create KafkaSource with specified fixed delay (eg 2 hours). createDelayedKafkaSource is used to create KafkaSource that delays events using custom DelayCalculator It is used by experimental delayed sources, that unlike delay component, do not use state to keep track of delayed events. This is the optimization for scenarios that require very long delays, where we don't want to keep big state and/or keeping events in state for such long time can result in memory issues. We assume that event timestamps are monotonous. First event is read and when extractTimestamp + delay < processing time the process sleeps.
