package process

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. process
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class AllMethodNamesPredicate(clazz: Class[_], exceptMethodNames: Set[String] = Set.empty) extends ClassMemberPredicate with Product with Serializable

    Implementation of ClassMemberPredicate matching all methods that has the same name as methods in given class

    Implementation of ClassMemberPredicate matching all methods that has the same name as methods in given class


    - class which method names will match predicate


    - method names that will be excluded from matching

  2. trait AsyncExecutionContextPreparer extends AnyRef
  3. case class BasePackagePredicate(basePackageName: String) extends ClassPredicate with Product with Serializable
  4. case class ClassExtractionSettings(excludeClassPredicates: Seq[ClassPredicate], excludeClassMemberPredicates: Seq[ClassMemberPredicate], includeClassMemberPredicates: Seq[ClassMemberPredicate], propertyExtractionStrategy: PropertyFromGetterExtractionStrategy) extends Product with Serializable

    Settings for class extraction which is done to handle e.g.

    Settings for class extraction which is done to handle e.g. syntax suggestions in UI

    One-liner that will help to find list of interesting methods in class:

    classOf[CLASS_NAME].getMethods.filterNot(m => java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isStatic(m.getModifiers)).map(_.getName)
      .filterNot(Set("wait", "notify", "notifyAll", "equals", "hashCode", "getClass").contains).distinct.sorted.mkString("|")

    - sequence of predicates to determine hidden classes


    - sequence of predicates to determine excluded class members - will be used all predicates that matches given class


    - sequence of predicates to determine included class members - will be used all predicates that matches given class. If none is matching, all non-excluded members will be visible.


    - strategy for extraction property based on getter. It can be defined what will happen if some class has 'getField' or 'isField' method. It can be: added 'field' property next to 'getField', replaced 'getField' with 'field' or leaved as it is.

  5. case class ClassMemberPatternPredicate(classPredicate: ClassPredicate, classMemberPattern: Pattern) extends ClassMemberPredicate with Product with Serializable

    Simple implementation of ClassMemberPredicate based on class member's name pattern

    Simple implementation of ClassMemberPredicate based on class member's name pattern


    - class predicate


    - class member's name pattern

  6. trait ClassMemberPredicate extends AnyRef

    Predicate for class members (fields & methods)

  7. case class ClassPatternPredicate(classPattern: Pattern) extends ClassPredicate with Product with Serializable

    Simple implementation of ClassPredicate based on pattern of class name

    Simple implementation of ClassPredicate based on pattern of class name


    - class name pattern

  8. trait ClassPredicate extends AnyRef

    Predicate for classes

  9. class EmptyProcessConfigCreator extends ProcessConfigCreator
  10. case class ExactClassPredicate(classes: Class[_]*) extends ClassPredicate with Product with Serializable
  11. case class ExceptOfClassesPredicate(predicate: ClassPredicate, exceptions: ClassPredicate) extends ClassPredicate with Product with Serializable
  12. case class ExpressionConfig(globalProcessVariables: Map[String, WithCategories[AnyRef]], globalImports: List[WithCategories[String]], additionalClasses: List[Class[_]] = defaultAdditionalClasses, languages: LanguageConfiguration = LanguageConfiguration.default, optimizeCompilation: Boolean = true, strictTypeChecking: Boolean = defaultStrictTypeChecking, dictionaries: Map[String, WithCategories[DictDefinition]] = Map.empty, hideMetaVariable: Boolean = false, strictMethodsChecking: Boolean = defaultStrictMethodsChecking, staticMethodInvocationsChecking: Boolean = ..., methodExecutionForUnknownAllowed: Boolean = ..., dynamicPropertyAccessAllowed: Boolean = defaultDynamicPropertyAccessAllowed, spelExpressionExcludeList: SpelExpressionExcludeList = SpelExpressionExcludeList.default, customConversionsProviders: List[ConversionsProvider] = List.empty) extends Product with Serializable
  13. case class LanguageConfiguration(expressionParsers: List[ExpressionParser]) extends Product with Serializable
  14. trait ProcessConfigCreator extends Serializable

    There Nussknacker fetches information about user defined model.

    There Nussknacker fetches information about user defined model. Any invocation of user defined logic or resource goes through this class.

  15. sealed trait PropertyFromGetterExtractionStrategy extends AnyRef
  16. case class ReturnMemberPredicate(returnClassPredicate: ClassPredicate, classPredicate: ClassPredicate = _ => true) extends ClassMemberPredicate with Product with Serializable
  17. case class SuperClassPredicate(superClassPredicate: ClassPredicate) extends ClassPredicate with Product with Serializable

    Predicate that matches all superclasses and interfaces based on pattern

    Predicate that matches all superclasses and interfaces based on pattern


    - class predicate

  18. case class VisibleMembersPredicate(excludePredicates: Seq[ClassMemberPredicate], includePredicates: Option[NonEmptyList[ClassMemberPredicate]]) extends Product with Serializable
  19. case class WithCategories[+T](value: T, categories: Option[List[String]], componentConfig: SingleComponentConfig) extends Product with Serializable
  20. type RunMode = ComponentUseCase

    (Since version 1.3) Renamed to ComponentUseCase

Value Members

  1. object ClassExtractionSettings extends Serializable
  2. object ClassMemberPredicate
  3. object ClassPredicate
  4. object ExactClassPredicate extends Serializable
  5. object ExpressionConfig extends Serializable
  6. object LanguageConfiguration extends Serializable
  7. object PropertyFromGetterExtractionStrategy
  8. object WithCategories extends Serializable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
