
package test

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait ClassBasedTestScenarioRunner extends TestScenarioRunner
  2. case class RunResult[T](errors: List[NuExceptionInfo[_]], successes: List[T]) extends Product with Serializable
  3. trait TestScenarioRunner extends AnyRef

    This is *experimental* API, currently it allows only for simple use case - synchronous invocation of test data

    This is *experimental* API, currently it allows only for simple use case - synchronous invocation of test data

    This is common trait for all various engines - where each engine can have different entry method provided by convention runWith***Data. For example see implementation on LiteKafkaTestScenarioRunner and LiteTestScenarioRunner

Value Members

  1. object ModelWithTestComponents
  2. object RunResult extends Serializable
  3. object TestScenarioRunner
