
package context

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed trait AbstractContextTransformation extends AnyRef
  2. sealed trait AbstractContextTransformationDef extends AnyRef
  3. case class ContextTransformation(definition: ContextTransformationDef, implementation: Any) extends AbstractContextTransformation with Product with Serializable

    Wrapper for tuple of definition and implementation of variable context transformation

    Wrapper for tuple of definition and implementation of variable context transformation


    Definition of variable context transformation - defines how will look ValidationContext (types of variables) after transformation in runtime


    Implements real variable context transformation which was defined in definition Returned type depends on execution engine. It should be lazy evaluated to make sure that none runtime work will be run in compilation/validation stage

  4. trait ContextTransformationDef extends AbstractContextTransformationDef
  5. case class JoinContextTransformation(definition: JoinContextTransformationDef, implementation: Any) extends AbstractContextTransformation with Product with Serializable
  6. trait JoinContextTransformationDef extends AbstractContextTransformationDef
  7. case class OutputVar(fieldName: String, outputName: String) extends Product with Serializable

    Right now we have a few different ways to name output param in node..

    Right now we have a few different ways to name output param in node.. OutputVar allows us to skip using strings.

  8. sealed trait ParameterValidationError extends PartSubGraphCompilationError with InASingleNode
  9. sealed trait PartSubGraphCompilationError extends ProcessCompilationError
  10. sealed trait ProcessCompilationError extends AnyRef
  11. sealed trait ProcessUncanonizationError extends ProcessCompilationError
  12. case class ValidationContext(localVariables: Map[String, TypingResult] = Map.empty, globalVariables: Map[String, TypingResult] = Map.empty, parent: Option[ValidationContext] = None) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object ContextTransformation extends Serializable

    Set of builders for ContextTransformation e.g.

    Set of builders for ContextTransformation e.g. ContextTransformation .definedBy(_.withVariable("foo", Typed[String]) .implementedBy { () => Future.success(Context.withRandomId.withVariable("foo", "bar") }

  2. object OutputVar extends Serializable
  3. object ProcessCompilationError
  4. object ValidationContext extends Serializable
