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Version: 1.8


1.8.1 (28 Feb 2023)

  • #4018 Fix for: generate test data mechanism didn't work for json messages with defined schema id
  • #4024 Fix encoding object in sink with JSON schema pattern properties

1.8.0 (17 Feb 2023)

  • #3963 - Secure processDefinitionData/services endpoint by filtering based on user category "Read" permission
  • #3945 - Allow to get Map category -> processingType through new categoriesWithProcessingType endpoint.
  • #3821 - Exact typing & validation of JsonSchema enums (before only String values were handled).
  • #3819 - Handle JSON Schema refs in sinks
  • #3654 Removed /subprocessDetails in favor of /processDetails?isSubprocess=true.
  • #3823, #3836, #3843 - scenarios with multiple sources can be tested from file
  • #3869 cross-compile - scala 2.12 & 2.13
  • #3874 Tumbling window with OnEvent trigger saves context
  • #3853 #3924 Support of patternProperties in sources/sinks with JSON Schema
  • #3916 environmentAlert.cssClass setting renamed to environmentAlert.color
  • #3922 Bumps: jwks 0.19.0 -> 0.21.3, jackson: 2.11.3 -> 2.13.4
  • #3958 OpenAPI: specify Content-Type header based on schema
  • #3948
    • Performance fix: kafka source on Flink engine doesn't serialize schema during record serialization
    • Configuration handling fixes: avroKryoGenericRecordSchemaIdSerialization wasn't checked properly
    • Avro: added support for top level array schema
  • #3972 Lite engine: Kafka transactions are now optional and by default disabled for Azure's Event Hubs which doesn't support them so far. For other Kafka clusters they are enabled. You can change this behavior by setting kafkaTransactionsEnabled configuration option
  • #3914 Azure Schema Registry and Azure's Avro (de)serialization support

1.7.0 (19 Dec 2022)

  • #3560, #3560, #3595 Migrate from Flink Scala API to Java API

  • JSON Schema handling improvements:

    • #3687 Support for union types
    • #3695 Fixed delaying JSON records by field in universal source
    • #3699 Handling null on JSON schema
    • #3709 Support for typing Map[String, T] using JSON Schema.
      • When properties are defined additionalProperties is ignored and type is determined by properties - as it was before.
      • When "additionalProperties": true type is Map[String, Unknown]
      • When "additionalProperties": T type is Map[String, T]
    • #3709 BestEffortJsonSchemaEncoder encodes only Strings for "type": String
    • #3730 Additional fields are not trimmed during encoding when additionalProperties are allowed by schema
    • #3742 More strict encoding - always validate against schema
    • #3749 More precise encoding against integer schema
  • Request-response JSON schema sink improvements:

    • #3607 Encoder based on response schema.
    • #3727 Sink validation changes:
      • Added param Value validation mode
      • We no longer support nullable param from Everit schema. Nullable schema are supported by union with null e.g. ["null", "string"]
    • #3716 Allow to add additional fields also in strict validation mode, if schema permits them.
    • #3722 Validation of JSON schema with additionalProperties
  • #3707, #3719, #3692, #3656, #3776, #3786 Improvements in OpenAPI:

    • Support for OpenAPI 3.1.0
    • Basic support for type references in JSON schemas
    • Better logging from OpenAPI enrichers
    • Handling of API Keys in query parameter and cookie
    • It's possible to configure which HTTP codes (404 by default) can be used as successful, empty response
    • Documentation link is taken from global configuration, if operation doesn't provide one
    • Handle recursive schemas gracefully (we fall back to Unknown type on recursion detected)
  • Upgrades:

  • #3524 Change base Docker image to eclipse temurin due to openjdk deprecation.

  • #3606 Removed nussknacker-request-response-app. See MigrationGuide for details.

  • #3626 Fix for: using Typed.fromDetailedType with scala type aliases cause exception

  • #3576 Unified /processes and /processesDetails. Both endpoints support the same query parameters. Added option skipValidateAndResolve in /processesDetails, /processes/{name} and /processes/{name}/{versionId} to return scenario JSON omitting validation and dictionary resolving.

  • #3680 Fix: validate multiple same fragments used in a row in legacy scenario jsons (without outputVariableNames field in SubprocessRef)

  • #3668 TestScenarioRunner.requestResponseBased() api enhancements: returning scenario compilation errors as a ValidatedNel

  • #3682 Extract generic BaseSharedKafkaProducer, rename SharedKafkaProducerHolder to DefaultSharedKafkaProducerHolder.

  • #3701 TypedMap allows access to non-existing keys in SpEL (returning null)

  • #3733 Fix for: some validation (e.g. Flink scenario name validation) were causing error message blinking in scenario properties.

  • #3752 Do not specify migrations which did not change process in process migration comment. If no migrations, do not add comment.

  • #3754 Fix for migrating scenarios not existing on target environment #3700

    • Will work after upgrading NU installations on both environments to version containing the fixup.
    • In conversation between versions 1.6 - 1.7 (and reversed) only migration of scenarios that exists on both envs will work.

1.6.1 (8 Nov 2022)

  • #3647 Fix for serving OpenAPI definition and SwaggerUI for deployed RequestResponse scenarios in embedded mode
  • #3657 Fix for json-schema additionalProperties validation
  • #3672 Fix contextId assignment for the output of ForEachTransformer (flink)
  • #3671 Fix: do not show extra scrollbar on scenario screen when panel too large
  • #3681 Fix: validate multiple same fragments used in a row in legacy scenario JSON (without outputVariableNames field in SubprocessRef)
  • #3685 Fix: inconsistent SwaggerDateTime typing (LocalDateTime/ZonedDateTime)

1.6.0 (18 Oct 2022)

  • #3382 Security fix: Http cookie created by NU when using OAuth2 is now secure.
  • #3385 Security fix: add http headers 'X-Content-Type-Options':'nosniff' and 'Referrer-Policy':'no-referrer'.
  • #3370 Feature: scenario node category verification on validation
  • #3390 Request-Response mode available for K8s deployment
  • #3392 Validate scenario before deploy
  • #3436 Added types with value to results of operators
  • #3406 Scalatest 3.0.8 -> 3.2.10, Scalacheck 1.14.0 -> 1.15.0
  • #3401 Request-Response mode publishes OpenApi specification for its services
  • #3427 Added components/common/extra,components/lite/extra,.. directories for purpose of easier components adding
  • #3437 Switch RR typing to SwaggerBasedJsonSchemaTypeDefinitionExtractor
  • #3451 SwaggerEnrichers as well as RequestResponse support now primitive schemas
  • #3473 JsonRequestResponseSinkFactory provides also 'raw editor'
  • #3441 Updated Flink 1.14.5 -> 1.15.2
  • #3483 Fix for: errors were flickering in newly used dynamic components - after entering to node edition they were disappearing. Now this transient situation is replaced by well-prepared form with whole necessary parameters.
  • #3493, #3582 Methods added to to DeploymentManagerProvider:
    • additionalPropertiesConfig, which allows to configure additional scenario properties programmatically.
    • additionalValidators, which allows to define DeploymentManager-specific validators.
  • #3505 Bump node version to 16.5.1
  • #3506 Fix date formatting to use client timezone
  • #3542 Feature: properties validation and properties additional info (similar to NodeAdditionalInfo)
  • #3545 Testkit refactor: unification of flinkBased TestScenarioRunner and kafkaLiteBased, easier usage of kafkaLiteBased
  • #3440 Feature: allow to define fragment outputs
  • #3580 SwaggerEnrichers support relative service urls and handle situation when only definition url is provided (without services inside definition and without rootUrl)
  • #3584 ReqRes Feature: secure RR scenario service/ingress
  • #3598 Introducing configuration for controlling anonymous usage reporting by FE
  • #3608 Use ZonedDateTime for date-time JsonSchema format
  • #3619 Patch until Flink 1.15.3 is released. Read more about this bug.
  • #3574 Feature: instance logo can be shown next to Nu logo, by convention it has to be available at path <nu host>/assets/img/instance-logo.svg
  • #3524 Change base Docker image to Eclipse Temurin due to OpenJDK image deprecation.
  • #3632 Fix presenting validation errors for properties.

1.5.0 (16 Aug 2022)

  • #3099 Added validation for input nodes names in UnionMemo
  • #2992 Moved DeploymentComment validation to backend. Deploy with invalid comment now returns error with validation information, which is shown below input like in case of node parameters.
  • #3113 Moved last panel tab Services from Admin tab. Removed Admin tab.
  • #3121 Components and Component usages filters are more like those on Scenarios. Scenario status and editor is now visible on Component usages. Some performance issues fixed. Minor visual changes.
  • #3136 Improvements: Lite Kafka testkit
  • #3178 Improvements: more complex test scenario runner result
  • #3134 Metric counters (e.g. nodeCount) are initialized eagerly to minimize problems with initial count computations.
  • #3162 OAuth2 access token can be optionally set in cookie (useful e.g. for Grafana proxy authentication)
  • #3165 Added configuration enableConfigEndpoint which controls whether expose config over http (GET /api/app/config/). Default value is false.
  • #3169 API endpoint /api/app/healthCheck returning short JSON answer with "OK" status is now not secured - you can use it without authentication
  • #3075 Added full outer join
  • #3183 Attachments table has proper column format (migration is automatic, doesn't need any manual actions)
  • #3189 Pass accessToken to iframes
  • #3192 Improvements: db enrichers measuring
  • #3198 Fix: request response metrics
  • #3149 Changed end bracket for SpEL in SQL to }#
  • #3191 Fix: wrong value shown when removing row in MapVariable
  • #3227 Allow TAB navigation from expression editors
  • #3208 Fix: set maxAge in seconds in set-cookie header
  • #3209 ConfigMap for K8 runtime has been split into two config maps (to separate logback conf) and one secret (with model config - which often contains confidential data)
  • #3187 #3224 Switch component replaced by Choice component. Moved choice/filter edges conditions configuration to form visible in node window, added few enhancements: ordered of switch edges, only false edge for filter component. "Default" choice edge type, exprVal and expression are now deprecated and disabled in new usages.
  • #3187 Fix: duplicated union edges.
  • #3210 Expose UI metrics and scenario lite metrics via Prometheus
  • #3045 json2avro bump 0.2.11 -> 0.2.15 + fix default values wasn't converted to logical types
  • #3223 Fix for encoding/decoding JWT & OIDC tokens - correct handling fields representing epoch time (e.g. exp - which represents token expiration time). Also, CachingOAuth2Service was migrated to use sync cache instead of async (evicting data in async cache can be tricky - expireAfterWriteFn is not applied to not completed futures). Since, it was only usage of DefaultAsyncCache - it has been removed from the codebase.
  • #3239 Added jul-to-slf4j to be sure that all logs going via logback
  • #3238 K8 runtime's logback conf can be stored in single ConfigMap for all runtime pods
  • #3201 Added literal types
  • #3240 Error topic created by default if not exists
  • #3245 #3265 #3288 #3295 #3297 #3299 #3309 #3316 #3322 #3337 #3287 Universal Kafka source/sink, handling multiple scenarios like: Avro message for Avro schema, JSON message for JSON schema. Legacy, low level Kafka components can be turned on by new lowLevelComponentsEnabled flag
    • #3317 Support JSON Schema in universal source
    • #3332 Config option to handle JSON payload with Avro schema
    • #3354 Universal source optimization - if message without schemaId, using cache when getting one
    • #3346 UniversalKafkaSink provides also 'raw editor'
    • #3345 Swagger 2.2.1, OpenAPI 3.1, JSON Schema typing and deserialization same as in OpenAPI components
  • #3249 Confluent 5.5->7.2, avro 1.9->1.11 bump
  • #3250 #3302 Kafka 2.4 -> 2.8, Flink 1.14.4 -> 1.14.5
  • #3270 Added type representing null
  • #3263 Batch periodic scenarios carry processing type to distinguish scenarios with different categories.
  • #3269 Fix populating cache in CachingOAuth2Service. It is fully synchronous now.
  • #3264 Added support for generic functions
  • #3253 Separate validation step during scenario deployment
  • #3328 Schema type aware serialization of NkSerializableParsedSchema
  • #3071 3379 More strict Avro schema validation: include optional fields validation, handling some invalid cases like putting long to int field, strict union types validation, reduced number of validation modes to lax | strict.
  • #3289 Handle asynchronous deployment and status checks better
  • #3071 Improvements: Allow to import file with different id
  • #3412 Corrected filtering disallowed types in methods
  • #3363 Kafka consumer no longer set auto.offset.reset to earliest by default. Instead, Kafka client will use default Kafka value which is latest
  • #3371 Fix for: Indexing on arrays wasn't possible
  • #3376 (Flink) Handling Kafka source deserialization errors by exceptionHandler (

1.4.0 (14 Jun 2022)

  • #2983 Extract Permission to extensions-api
  • #3010 Feature: Docker Java Debug Option
  • #3003 Streaming-lite runtime aware of K8s resource quotas
  • #3028 Force synchronous interpretation for scenario parts that does not contain any services (enrichers, processors). Disable the feature with flag globalParameters.forceSyncInterpretationForSyncScenarioPart: false.
  • #3006 Fixed passing RESTARTING status to GUI (applies to both Flink and K8 engines)
  • #3029 Added kafka.schemaRegistryCacheConfig (was hardcoded before)
  • #3047 Remove deprecated Admin panel tabs that are replaced with Components tab: Search Components and Unused Components (together with API endpoints: /processesComponents and /unusedComponents)
  • #3049 Added collector component to lite base components
  • #3065 OIDC: Passing jwt audience in request to /authorize
  • #3066 Fix for OAuth2 authentication: Don't redirect when 'invalid_request' error is passed to avoid redirection loop
  • #3067 OIDC: More precise error messages during JWT validation
  • #3068 OIDC: Support for JWT encoded using symmetric public key
  • #3063 #3067 #3070 Add integration with JmxExporter Agent.
  • #3077 Change scenarios tab to use new UI by default
  • #3084 Change for-each from SingleElementComponent to LiteCustomComponent
  • #3114 Add flush method to WithSharedKafkaProducer
  • #3034 Fixed sorting on new scenarios list
  • #3330 ConfluentUniversalKafkaDeserializer - deserialize using latest schema for topic if no headers or magic-byte/schemaId/payload

1.3.0 (22 Apr 2022)

  • #2967 Add json-utils module and move there json-utils from liteRequestResponseComponents.
  • #2955 Add Json schema sink/source (with editor) for request/response. Move inputSchema to properties.
  • #2841 Some performance improvements - reduced number of serialization round-trips for scenario JSON
  • #2741 #2841 Remove custom scenario (custom process)
  • #2773 Using VersionId / ProcessId / ProcessName instead of Long or String
  • #2830 RunMode is renamed to ComponanteUseCase and Normal value is split into: EngineRuntime, Validation, ServiceQuery, TestDataGeneration. RunMode.Test becomes ComponanteUseCase.TestRuntime
  • #2825, #2868, #2907 API refactorings:
    • Division of API by usage: nussknacker-components-api, nussknacker-scenario-api, nussknacker-extensions-api
    • API cleanup, some classes moved to utils or interpreter, untangling dependencies, see migration guide for the details
  • #2886 Add explicit serialVersionUID for classes registered by Serializers.registerSerializers.
  • #2887 Request-Response engine in embedded mode
  • #2890 Fixed displaying configured labels for node details fields.
  • #2920 Close periodic engine actors. Reverse processing type reload - close and then reload.
  • #2941 Update Flink to 1.14.4
  • #2957 Add executionConfig.rescheduleOnFailure flag to control whether failed deployment should be rescheduled for a next run.
  • #2972 Add Url type to tabs configuration

1.2.0 (11 Feb 2022)

  • Added component tab
  • #2537 Refactoring of LazyParameter API:
    • map, product and pure methods don't require LazyParameterInterpreter implicit parameter anymore: can be used in other place then LazyParameterInterpreterFunction
    • pure method moved to LazyParameter companion object
    • new sequence method added to LazyParameter companion object
    • map method now takes TypingResult => TypingResult instead of just TypingResult to be visible what is relation between input and output type
  • #2535, #2625 Rename standalone to request-response, move request-response modules to base dir. Also - small refactorings in the engine and configuration format
  • #2483 Embedded DeploymentManager for Lite Streaming.
  • #2441 Avro sink supports defaults of primitive avro types
  • #2498, #2499, #2503, #2539 EspExceptionHandler is removed from ProcessConfigCreator. Flink engine uses now fixed exception handler: FlinkExceptionHandler. All deprecated FlinkEspExceptionHandler implementations are removed.
  • #2543 Eager parameters can have helpers injected.
  • #2493 Kafka configuration is now provided by components provider configuration, if not provided avroKryoGenericRecordSchemaIdSerialization default is set to true - previously false
  • #2569 Flink aggregations are now part of flinkBaseComponents. flink-model-util is no longer needed and is removed.
  • #2651 Fixed behaviour of fragments which use components which clear context.
  • #2564 Flink union simplification, it now takes only 'Output expression' parameters for branches (previously 'value' parameter), output variable must be of the same type
  • #2671 Bumped libs:
    • akka 2.15 -> 2.16
    • akka-http 10.1 -> 10.2
    • akka-http-circe 1.28 -> 1.38
  • #2684 Handled 'Restarting' state in Embedded DeploymentManager when the embedded scenario is failing
  • #2686 Rename ServiceWithStaticParameters to EagerServiceWithStaticParameters to avoid confusion about lazy and eager parameters used by default
  • #2695 Replaced nodeId with NodeComponentInfo in NuExceptionInfo
  • #2746 modelConfig.classPath can handle directories
  • #2775 Fixed: kafka-registry-typed-json source was recognizing logical types during typing but during evaluation were used raw, underlying types
  • #2790 Update Flink to 1.14.3
  • #2794 Added for-each component to basic flink components

1.1.1 (01 Feb 2022)

  • #2660 Fix for handling errors after split in async mode
  • #2744 Ugly resource waste fixed in component drag preview
  • #2754 Fix error with pasting node,
  • #2807 Fix default values for GenericNodeTransformation

1.1.0 (07 Dec 2021)

  • #2176 Allow to enrich periodic scenario config on initial schedule and each deployment.
  • #2179 Permission allowing for editing scenario on FE, but not saving etc.
  • #2150 Better handling of multiple schedules in batch periodic engine - fixed running one time scenarios and improved current scenario status reporting.
  • #2208 Upgrade libraries: cats 2.6.x, cats-effect 2.5.x, circe 0.14.x
  • #1422 Remove ServiceReturningType and WithExplicitMethod, added helpers, small refactor
  • #2278 SQL Variable is removed
  • #2280 Default values for parameters can be setup programmatically now - thanks to @DefaultValue annotation and Parameter.defaultValue field.
  • #2293 Enhancement: change nodeCategoryMapping configuration to componentsGroupMapping
  • #2169 Add Apache Ignite support to SQL Component by implementing a custom DB metadata provider that extends the standard JDBC Driver with missing features.
  • #2301 #2366 #2409 #2477 Simplification of component API:
    • GenericNodeTransformation.initialParameters was removed
    • GenericNodeTransformation.fallbackFinalResult introduced for not handle step, with default graceful strategy
    • GenericNodeTransformation.contextTransformation now handles ParameterValidator properly. Invalid value is handled as FailedToDefineParameter and GenericNodeTransformation.implementation is not invoked in this case
    • FinalResults.forValidation utility method added to easily handle situation when you need to make some validation on context of variables (e.g. add variable checking if it already exists)
  • #2245 Periodic process scheduler retries failed scenario deployments based on PeriodicBatchConfig. Breaking change in PeriodicProcessListener FailedEvent. Failed event is split into FailedOnDeployEvent and FailedOnRunEvent. Please note that this mechanism only retries when failure on deployment occurs - failure recovery of running scenario should be handled by restart strategy
  • #2304 Upgrade to Flink 1.14
  • #2295 FlinkLazyParameterFunctionHelper has additional methods to handle exceptions during evaluation gracefully
  • #2300 Enhancement: refactor and improvements at components group
  • #2347 Support for implicit type conversions between String and various value classes (Locale etc.)
  • #2346 Remove endResult from Sink in graph.
  • #2331 #2496 Refactor nussknacker-avro-flink-util module. Move non-flink specific classes to new nussknacker-avro-util module.
  • #2348 #2459 #2486 #2490 #2496 Refactor nussknacker-kafka-flink-util module. Move non-flink specific classes to nussknacker-kafka-util module.
  • #2344 Redesign of #DATE and #DATE_FORMAT utilities.
  • #2305 Enhancement: change processingTypeToDashboard configuration to scenarioTypeToDashboard
  • #2374 Auto-loaded ComponentProviders
  • #2337 Extract base engine from standalone
    • Common functionality of base engine (i.e. microservice based, without Flink) is extracted to base-api and base-runtime
    • It's possible to use generic effect type instead of Future
    • Possibility to accumulate errors
    • New API for custom components (transformers and sinks)
  • #2349 Removed module queryable-state, FlinkQueryableClient was moved to nussknacker-flink-manager.
  • PrettyValidationErrors, CustomActionRequest and CustomActionResponse moved from nussknacker-ui to nussknacker-restmodel.
  • #2361 Removed security dependency from listener-api. LoggedUser replaced with dedicated class in listener-api.
  • #2367, #2406 Simple kafka-based streaming scenario interpreter. Stateless, with basic kafka sinks and sources. This is MVP, not intended for direct usage, more work with sources, sinks and invoking will come in next PRs
  • #2377 Remove clazz from SourceFactory. It was used mainly for test sources.
  • #2534 Remove generic parameter from Source and SourceFactory. It was used mainly to determine TypingResult in SourceFactory.noParam
  • #2397 Common EngineRuntimeContext lifecycle and MetricsProvider, cleaning unnecessary dependencies on Flink
  • #2486 Aggregates now producing context id in similar format as sources - will be visible in "Test case" during usage of tests mechanism
  • #2465 aggregate-sliding emitWhenEventLeft parameter changed default value from true to false
  • #2474 Interpreter return type changed from F[Either[List[InterpretationResult], EspExceptionInfo[_ <: Throwable]]] to F[List[Either[InterpretationResult, EspExceptionInfo[_ <: Throwable]]]]. Hence, e.g. multiple branches in Graph can be evaluated, both positively and negatively at the same time.
  • #2540 It's possible to use different Effects than Future in request-response (standalone) runtime. InvocationMetrics are no longer automatically computed, as they are Future dependent - see StandaloneRequestHandler how to enable them.

1.0.0 (24 Sep 2021)

  • #1968 BestEffortJsonEncoder uses ServiceLoader mechanism to load additional encoders.
  • #1439 Upgrade to Flink 1.13
  • #1993 Demo was moved to Some additional refactors done: logback configuration enhancements, simpler script, removed Docker defaults from default configs.
  • #2105 #2112 Better handling Flink's job deploying - we report job initialization as a "DURING_DEPLOY" instead of "RUNNING" now, and we are checking available slots on Flink before deploy
  • #2152 Possibility to create SchedulePropertyExtractor using deployment manager's configuration.
  • #2133 SQL Variable is hidden in generic model
  • #2101 Global permissions can be arbitrary string, can configure all top tabs (by default Scenarios is available)
  • #2103 Counts work correctly with different timezones, counts.queryMode defaults to SumOfDifferencesForRestarts
  • #2104 SQL component can retrieve table names for completion
  • #2028 Limit (row and bytes) for generating and using test data
  • Various improvements in security/OAuth components
    • #2042 redirectUrl is optional
    • #2070 separate, easy to use OIDC AuthenticationProvider
    • #2079 anonymous access for OAuth2
    • #2093 appending role claims from OAuth2 token
    • #1933 being able to configure own FE AuthenticationProvider with module federation
  • #2046 Additional functions in generic model
  • Security improvements:
    • #2067 Blocking dangerous methods in SpEL in runtime
    • #1966 Disable dynamic property access by default
    • #1909 Static method validation
    • #1922 Block method invocation on Unknown
  • #2095 Remove business view
  • #2110 Remove node grouping
  • #2098 Correct timestamps for tests of Kafka sources
  • #2108 Enhanced class extraction settings, fewer unnecessary methods
  • #2191 KafkaAvroSink performance fix
  • UI enhancements:
    • #1706 New window manager, consistent behaviour, many improvements, e.g. modals can be expanded to full screen, fix display of fragments in FF
    • #2184, #2101 Fix undo breaking UI in certain circumstances
    • #2181, #1975 Remove spurious 'unsaved changes' after opening aggregation nodes
    • #2202 Correct hashes of FE assets
    • #2097, #2178 Pasting nodes in correct places
    • #2003 Counts dialog fixes: timezone handling, datepicker allows editing from keyboard
    • #2111 Correct graph display after opening fragment
    • #2087 Pan and zoom animation
    • #2081 Fix switch behaviour after changing condition
    • #2071 Fix pasting cell on multiple edges
    • #1978 Removed unclear node details panel

0.4.0 (12 Aug 2021)

  • More precise TypeInformation generation
    • #1338 Defining TypeInformation based on TypingResult
    • #1343 Aggregators compute stored types
    • #1343 Improvements in variable output validation
    • #1360 Service query can use global variables
    • #1375 Opt-in for new TypeInformation detection for inter operator serialization
  • #1361 Lazy vars removal
  • #1363 Open/close only services that are actually used in process
  • #1367 Custom actions - first, experimental version
  • Migration of CI to github actions
    • #1368 Publish Docker images/jars via GH actions (experimental)
    • #1381 Use GH Actions for coverage
    • #1383 Switch github badges
  • #1382 First E2E FE tests
  • #1373 Ability to load custom model config programmatically
  • #1406 Eager services - ability to create service object using static parameters
  • #962 New ways of querying InfluxDB for counts, integration tests, no default database name in code
  • #1428 Kafka SchemaRegistry source/sink can use JSON payloads. In this PR we assume one schema registry contains either JSON or Avro payloads but not both.
  • #1445 Small refactor of RecordFormatter, correct handling different formatting in kafka-json in test data generation
  • #1433 Pass DeploymentData to process, including deploymentId and possible additional info
  • #1458 PeriodicProcessListener allows custom handling of PeriodicProcess events
  • #1466 ProcessManager API allows to return ExternalDeploymentId immediately from deploy
  • #1405 'KafkaAvroSinkFactoryWithEditor' for more user-friendly Avro message definition.
  • #1514 Expose DeploymentData in Flink UI via NkGlobalParameters
  • #1510 FlinkSource API allows to create stream of Context (FlinkSource API and test support API refactoring).
  • #1497 Initial support for multiple (named) schedules in PeriodicProcessManager
  • #1499 ClassTag is provided in params in Avro key-value deserialization schema factory: KafkaAvroKeyValueDeserializationSchemaFactory
  • #1533 Fix: Update process with same JSON
  • #1546 Unions (e.g after split) are possible in standalone mode. Also, it's possible to define transformers which operate on all results (e.g. for sorting recommendations)
  • #1547 Publish first version of BOM including dependencyOverrides
  • #1543 ComponentProvider API enables adding new extensions without changing e.g. ProcessConfigCreator
  • #1471 Initial version of session window aggregate added (API may change in the future).
  • #1631 Ability to use multiple config files with nussknacker.config.location system property
  • #1512 KafkaSourceFactory is replaced with source that provides additional #inputMeta variable with event's metadata.
  • #1663 Flink restart strategies and exception consumers can now be configured.
  • #1728 Replace schemaRegistryClient and recordFormatter in SchemaRegistryProvider with their factories.
  • #1651 KafkaAvroSourceFactory provides additional #inputMeta variable with event's metadata.
  • #1756 TypingResultAwareTypeInformationDetection can be used to serialize aggregates more efficiently
  • #1772 Fix for Spel validation when we try use not existing method reference
  • #1741 KafkaExceptionConsumer can be configured to send errors to Kafka
  • #1809 Performance optimization for aggregates: do not update state if added element is neutral for current state
  • #1886 Performance optimization for aggregates: do not save context in state. Added #AGG utility for easier switching from simple aggregating functions like 'Sum' to more complex
  • #1820 Added missing support for some logical types (LocalDate, LocalTime, UUID) in json encoding
  • #1799 ConfluentAvroToJsonFormatter produces and reads test data in valid JSON format with full kafka metadata and schema ids.
  • #1839 Set up explicitUidInStatefulOperators model's flag to true by default.
  • #1357 Add run mode to nodes to be able to determine if we are inside e.g. test process run. Run mode is can be declared as a dependency in generic node transformations. Nodes created via @MethodToInvoke can declare RunMode as an implicit parameter. RunMode is also available in FlinkCustomNodeContext.
  • Various naming changes:
    • #1917 configuration of engineConfig to deploymentConfig
    • #1911 Rename process to scenario, subprocess to fragment in messages at backend and some test cases names
    • #1921 ProcessManager to DeploymentManager
    • #1927 Rename outer-join to single-side-join
  • Performance fixes:
    • #1330 Multiple times parsing expressions in map/product LazyParameter
    • #1331 LoggingListener caches loggers
    • #1334 Type promotion cache
    • #1335 Omitting zeros for sum aggregate to avoid unnecessary buckets
    • #1336 Aggregation metrics
  • #1321 Exception handler accessible via custom node context, Avro record encoding errors reported by exception handler

0.3.0 (17 Nov 2020)

  • #1298 Feature flag avroKryoGenericRecordSchemaIdSerialization for avro kryo serialization optimization (default = false)
  • #1315 Spring bumped 5.1.4 -> 5.1.19
  • #1312 Ficus bumped 1.4.1 -> 1.4.7
  • #1288 Namespaces can be configured for ObjectNaming
  • #1261 Fix: Access to map.missingKey caused Property or field cannot be found on object
  • #1244 Ability to define variablesToHide in Parameter
  • #1165 Typed global variables
  • #1128 Union-memo transformer
  • #1054 Tabbed dark process list
  • Configuration improvements (library upgrade, conventions): #1151, #1166
  • #873, #1044 Flink upgrade (to 1.11)
  • More graceful handling of Flink compatibility issues (in particular, ```FlinkCompatibilityProvider`` trait introduced, also ProcessManager implementations are separated from UI to allow easier changes in deployments): #1150, #1218
  • #1183 New back to process button on metrics
  • #1188 Fix env label and provide nussknacker logo
  • #249 Inferred expression type in node modal
  • #1255 Moved displaying Metrics tab to customTabs
  • #1257 Improvements: Flink test util package
  • #1287 OAuth2: add accessTokenRequestContentType parameter
  • #1290 Own kryo serializers can be provided through SPI
  • #1303 TypedObjectTypingResult can have additional info (e.g. Schema for GenericRecord)

0.2.2 (03 Sep 2020)

  • #1175 Fix for: BestEffortAvroEncoder haven't produced record with logical types for missing field with default values
  • #1173 Fix for: Avro source wasn't be able to read record with schema with invalid defaults

0.2.1 (31 Aug 2020)

  • #1127 Fix too small count values
  • #1133 Improvements: More flexible TestReporter instancies implementation
  • #1131 Fix: Disable "deploy" & "metrics" buttons for subprocess
  • #1148 Fix FE regexp for match node id

0.2.0 (07 Aug 2020)

  • #1099 New outer-join node
  • #1024 Added default async interpretation value configured by asyncExecutionConfig.defaultUseAsyncInterpretation (false if missing).
  • #879 Metrics can now use Flink variables for better reporting, it's recommended to use InfluxDB native protocol instead of legacy Graphite protocol to send metrics to InfluxDB.
  • #940 More detailed node errors
  • #949 JVM options can be configured via JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS env variable (in Docker and standalone distribution)
  • #954 Correct handling of types in empty inline lists
  • #944 System cache mechanism
  • #704 Preloaded creator panel node icons
  • #943 Literal min / max validators
  • #976 Fixed save button & groups expand for businessView
  • #973 Textarea editor
  • #987 Optimized graph rendering time, fixed minor bugs (expand group icon, view center & fit after layout).
  • Introduction to KafkaAvro API: #871, #881, #903, #981, #989, #998, #1007, #1014, #1041,
  • Performance improvements in interpreter: #1008, #1013. The second one also removes Future[] from expression evaluation
  • Dynamic parameters: filter validation, GenericNodeTransformation introduction (for CustomNodes, Sources, Sinks) - also handling dynamic parameters on UI: #978, #996, #1001, #1011
  • #988 Json editor
  • #1066 Duration and period editors fixes
  • #1126 New nodes: periodic source, delay and dead-end

0.1.2 (15 May 2020)

  • #965 Added new, 'aggregate-tumbling' node.
  • #957 Custom node aggregate has now additional aggregation function Sum. Also was changed parameter from windowLengthInSeconds to windowLength with human friendly duration input.

0.1.1 (06 May 2020)

  • Branch parameters now can be eager (computed during process compilation)
  • More restrictive type checking in SpEL - mainly added verification of types of method's paramaters
  • Added support for Kafka consumer group strategies - setted up by kafka.consumerGroupNamingStrategy configuraton option
  • Bugfixes for joins

0.1.0 (30 Apr 2020)

  • Added support for explicitly setting uids in operators - turned on by explicitUidInStatefulOperators model's flag. By default setted up to false.
  • Old way of configuring Flink and model (via flinkConfig and processConfig) is removed. processTypes configuration should be used from now on.
  • Change of additional properties configuration

0.0.12 (26 Oct 2019)

  • Cross builds with Scala 2.11 and 2.12
  • First version of join nodes
  • OAuth2 authentication capabilities
  • Migration of Argonaut to Circe
  • Preliminary version of dictionaries in expressions
  • Major upgrade of frontend libraries (React, Redux, etc)
  • Various usability improvements

0.0.11 (1 Apr 2019)

0.0.10 (13 Nov 2018)

0.0.9 (13 Jul 2018)

0.0.8 (7 May 2018)

  • expressions code syntax highlighting
  • source/sink params as expressions
  • multiline expression suggestions
  • method signature and documentation in code suggestions
  • inject new node after dragging on edge
  • Query services tab in UI
  • subprocess disabling
  • display http request-response for query service tab
  • flink kafka 0.11 connector
  • dynamic source return type
  • SQL can be used as expression language
  • Processes page rendering optimized
  • suggestions for projections/selections in spel
  • upgrade to flink 1.4.2
  • upgrade to scala 2.11.12
  • Make sinks disableable

0.0.7 (22 Dec 2017)

  • global imports in expressions
  • deployment standalone on multiple nodes
  • typed SpEL expressions - first iteration
  • can post process standalone results
  • support for java services
  • handling get requests in standalone mode
  • metric fixes for standalone
  • compare with other env
  • split in request/response mode by expression
  • ProcessConfigCreator Java API support added
  • extendable authentication
  • comparing environments - first part, can compare processes
  • subprocess versions
  • process migrations + some refactoring
  • async execution with toggle
  • better exception for errors in service invocations
  • nussknacker java api
  • spring version bump because of SPR-9194

0.0.6 (9 Aug 2017)

First open source version :)